2005. SBG Corporate Film
It was a year full of activities since I was in Muscat.
We got an assignment for a corporate film. It was the most enriching experience which gave me various opportunities, right from co-ordination with suppliers, negotiations with commercial heads, interaction and close involvement in conceptual discussions, shooting, editing with world renowned production house – Metropolis, Project head Paul Spence, Film Director Allan Dickens, Cameraman Robin and their team from London.
As per the script, I worked out daily schedules for filming on multiple locations at Muscat. It was action-packed 12 to 15 days’ schedule, starting from 6 in the morning till 7.30 in the evening.
Thereafter, had an opportunity to visit London along with Pravin, to check the first cut. We made a few suggestions and took the rough cut to the Chairman, Mr. Said Bahwan, to his villa in Paris.
As the new Corporate Centre was taking shape, new hi-tech AV room with latest projection systems and audio equipment, including 4D experience, was taking shape.
The film was ready and it was screened for Dr. Schoichiro Toyoda, Chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan, during the inauguration of World Class landmark Toyota Showroom in Muscat.
The relationship with UK team, especially Paul Spence continued for the next few projects.

Shoot in progress

Film crew from UK